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Search Results (457)


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Bernheim Forest is seeking a skilled mechanic who is proficient in maintaining and repairing a fleet of vehicles and general equipment used in the operation of Bernheim Forest.  Some examples […]

Bernheim is Batty for Bat Week

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Bernheim’s 14,500 acres provide ample habitat for bats, including caves, cliffs, streams, wetlands, lakes, dead trees for maternity roosts (raising baby bats!), and billions of insects. We use acoustic monitoring to detect and better understand our bat populations and have found that Bernheim Forest is home to 12 species of…

The Bugs of Bernheim: Wheel Bugs – Armed Assassins

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Wheel Bugs (Arilus cristatus) are armed assassins in more ways than one. They belong to the order Hemiptera (true bugs), and like other insects in this order, they have a pair of hardened forewings with clear tips that make them look like half wings. In fact, the name of this order is…

Bernheim Under Threat Roadshow coming to Sisters of Loretto Motherhouse

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Informative meeting aimed at educating the public about LG&E threat to conservation land Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest is bringing its “Bernheim Under Threat Roadshow” to Marion County on Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 2 p.m. at the Sisters of Loretto Mother House. The 16,000-plus-acre forest is hosting a series of…

Beneficial Insects exhibition by Joanne Price on display at Visitor Center

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Arilus Crisatus Epoch, 16” x 20” framed, 2-color relief engraving with hand-coloring by Joanne Price.   “Since childhood, I have intermittently found myself marveling at the variety of insects and their unique behaviors and habits. After relocating to rural Kentucky from urban Minneapolis in fall 2012, I found myself looking…

Bringing it All Back Home

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By Environmental Artist in Residence Carla Rhodes Growing up in the Louisville area, I never had the pleasure of visiting Bernheim. After spending a lifetime away in the New York […]

That’s a Wrap on Films in the Forest

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60 members attended our members-only Films in the Forest outdoor movie night on Friday, October 21. It was a crisp Fall evening, with a sliver of a moon and a […]

2024 Artist Residency Program Updates

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The deadline for Bernheim’s 2024 Artist Residency Program was November 27, 2023, and we are thrilled with the overall number, diversity of media, and geographic range of this year’s pool […]