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‘Bernheim Under Threat Roadshow’ to be held at Loretto Motherhouse

By Amy Joseph Landon

Source: The Record
February 8, 2020

‘The Bernheim Under Threat Roadshow,” which will discuss the prosed LG&E natural gas pipeline and its impact on Bernheim Forest, will be held at the Sisters of Loretto Motherhouse on Feb. 18 at 2 p.m.

The series of roadshows is “dedicated to educating residents in nearby communities about the proposed pipeline threat that Bernheim faces and how the community can take immediate action to save the forest,” according to an announcement about the event.

“This threat, should it become a reality, will have an irreversible impact on Bernheim’s wildlife, clean air and water, visitors, and the quality of life throughout the surrounding communities,” the announcement states. More information can be found at

For more information about the presentation at Loretto Motherhouse, contact Jessie Rathburn at

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