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Search Results (457)

Bernheim Welcomes Fall

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Bernheim has long been known as one of the best destinations in central Kentucky for fall colors. This year promises to be spectacular again, with colors beginning to show throughout […]

Bernheim at 90: Celebrating the Buckeye Collection

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The Buckeye/Horse Chestnut collection began in the fall of 1958 with the first plantings being the Ohio buckeye, horse chestnut ‘baumanii’, and bottlebrush buckeye, a shrubby deciduous variety of the buckeye family. The specimens in the Buckeye collection are among the first to bloom each spring and the first…

Bernheim at 90: The Hodge Family, An unmatched History at Bernheim

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In Bernheim’s 90 year history there have been many people whose giant contributions have made this arboretum and research forest possible. Without doubt, Isaac Bernheim was foremost in that group but he was far from alone. Most of the names are not  familiar to Bernheim visitors but their…

Tales from the Bent Twig Trail: Season's Greetings

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Regardless of the season, Christmas ferns (Polystichum arotichoides) are a gift of green. Aptly named with their stocking shaped pinnae (leaf like structures) that make up each frond. Christmas ferns brighten the forest floor with their perennial splash of color. Although visible at Bernheim year round, these…

Bernheim’s Spillway Becomes Pollinator Habitat

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A spillway’s main purpose is to serve as overflow drainage space for existing bodies of water like Bernheim’s Lake Nevin. Bernheim was mandated to create an emergency spillway to protect […]

Artist introduces wearable nature to Bernheim

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Source: The Kentucky Standard By Kacie Goode Thursday, August 2, 2018 Large creatures comparable to grass-covered Sasquatch will be roaming around Bernheim Forest in a few weeks thanks to the work of a visiting British artist.

Introducing searchable Bernheim plant records

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Bernheim is proud to present our next big endeavor in the world of Horticulture! Last July we hired a dedicated Plant Records Coordinator and began working with IrisBG, a botanical […]

Bernheim at 90: Celebrating the Dogwood Collection

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Featuring everything from native woodland species to exotic cultivars, the Dogwoods are perhaps one of Bernheim’s most beloved collections. Dogwoods are an excellent understory (meaning the the trees and shrubs between the forest canopy and the ground cover tree) and a multitude of cultivars are available on the market. Cherokee Brave Dogwood Many…

Celebrating 10 years of Earth Measure by Matt Weir

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Earth Measure by Matt Weir is celebrating 10 years at Bernheim! Constructed entirely out of more than a hundred tons of solid stacked Indiana limestone blocks, Earth Measure explores notions […]

March Plant of the Month at the Visitor's Center!

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Allegheny serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis):  I have featured this small tree before in other Bernheim programs, but couldn’t pass up featuring it as the pick of the month for March! Nothing compares to a serviceberry to welcome in the first signs of spring. Serviceberries usually send out dainty white flowers in…

Bernheim at 90: Frank Bunce, The Forest Comes of Age

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In Bernheim’s 90 year history there have been many people whose giant contributions have made this arboretum and research forest possible. Without doubt, Isaac Bernheim was foremost in that group but he was far from alone. Most of the names are not  familiar to Bernheim visitors but their vision…

Take a Hike, But Be Prepared

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Summer is here! It’s a great time to get outside and experience the sights, sounds, and smells of summer. The lush green tones of the trees illuminate the forest, the […]