What Can You Do To Protect the Planet this Earth Day

By Amy Joseph Landon

At Bernheim, we celebrate Earth Day every day. Our staff works year-round to protect and steward 16,140 acres of forest. Thousands of animal species find habitat at Bernheim and the clean air and water our pristine forest produces benefits our surrounding community.

We are taking an active role in fighting the climate crisis, and hope you will too. Here are 11 things you can do every day to do your part in protecting our planet.

  1. Make small changes in your daily life: Calculate your personal carbon footprintand make changes to reduce it — it’s something we can all do to help the planet. For example, buy more local food to reduce the distance it travels.
  2. Save paper: unsubscribe to catalogs and switch to electronic billing to save the trees.
  3. Your diet can affect climate change: Try a foodprint calculator to find out exactly how your meals impact the planet.  Then consider any changes, like participating in meatless Mondays. And don’t forget to fight food waste by composting.
  4. Be a citizen scientist: There are many apps out there that help monitor and mitigate threats to environmental and human health. Your research can begin today! Here’s a great list of apps to get started. 
  5. Reduce your use of plastic: Plastic pollution is one of the most important environmental problems that we face today. Calculate your personal plastic consumption, then consider reducing your use of single use plastics by taking steps like using reusable grocery bags, storing leftovers in glass containers, and carrying a refillable water bottle.
  6. Save the butterflies and bees: protect pollinators by going pesticide-free! We need pollinators to ensure the persistence of our crop yields and ensure healthy, sustainable ecosystems now and in the future.
  7. Be stylish and sustainable: donate your old clothes and home goods instead of throwing them away. When you need new clothes, consider buying used items. Used does not always mean unfashionable – think of it as vintage!
  8. Protect our drinking water: use environmentally-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products to avoid washing toxic chemicals down the drain.
  9. Save electricity: turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  10. Volunteer: Organizations like Bernheim need your help in protecting our forest. Volunteering at Bernheim gives you the opportunity to make a difference, spend time outside and meet new people. Click here to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
  11. Support conservation organizations, like Bernheim: Bernheim is 100% member and donor supported. Consider becoming a member or renewing your existing membership. Throughout April, we have special incentives, especially for those that save paper and time by having their membership renew each year automatically, or learn about other ways of giving.


This list was inspired by EarthDay.org.

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