The Millennium Trail and Elm Lick Trail are closed for safety reasons. All other trails in the natural areas and Arboretum are open.

Virtual Discovery Station: Native Tree Series, Part 9 – Black Gum

By Wren Smith

Black Gum (Tupelo sylvatica)


A black gum near the Education Center

You can quickly find black gums from the front porch of Bernnheim’s Education Center and near the Visitor Center parking lot. They are also rather common in our natural forest adding their brilliance to autumn landscape.  Most grow between 40 and  60 feet tall, but occasionally much taller.

Water Tupelo (Tupelo aquatic) is, as the name implies, very tolerant of wet areas. In fact you will find this species in Bernheim’s own cypress tupelo swamp on the south end of Lake Nevin.

Be sure to check out the link below to see a short peaceful video of this area and to learn more.

Additional Resources
A view of Bernheim’s Cypress Tupelo Swamp in a short peaceful video

Identify the gums

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