By bernheim
The Courier-Journal has asked people to submit their thoughts about the pipeline. Please read the information below and send your comments. Let the community know you support Bernheim and conservation land.
From the Courier-Journal on Tuesday, November 12, 2019.
“What do you think about LG&E’s plan for pipeline through Bernheim Forest?
You might call it the battle over Bernheim.
Louisville Gas and Electric Company plans to build a 12-inch-wide natural gas pipeline through a section of Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest so it can provide reliable service to homes and businesses in Bullitt County.
Bernheim is fighting LG&E and the pipeline path, saying it would threaten the forest, disrupting its ecosystem and rare plant and animal species that are protected there.
LG&E is suing to take the land through eminent domain. It says it has denied natural gas service to more than 60 new homes and businesses in Bullitt because of delays in the pipeline.
In the meantime, several organizations have united to create a #SaveBernheim movement.
We want to know what you think about the controversy. Send your thoughts in 250 words or less, along with your name, city and ZIP code to”