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RUX at CONNECT Artist Spotlight: Samuel Hawkins

By Claude Stephens

Art, Music and Fun are synonymous with CONNECT at Bernheim.  This year is no different as Billy Goat Strut Revue and kRi Majesty take to the stage.  Our recent partnership with theKentucky Rural-Urban Exhange (RUX) will bring new sounds of Kentucky to CONNECT with performances from artists highlighted in this blog series.  These artists are a perfect match for one of the state’s most unique events.

SnacksSamuel Hawkins also known as “Snacks”, is a poet, performer, and educator. Born in Clarksville, TN and currently residing in Paducah, KY, Samuel is a graduate of Paducah Tilghman High School and Bethel College, and is a community advocate who formerly served as a unit director for Paducah’s Oscar Cross Boys and Girls Club. He has conducted over 300 live poetry performances and workshops throughout Kentucky to promote cultural understanding and responsiveness. Hawkins also shares his poetry with schools and community groups including diversity forums, cultural presentations, student and staff development, training, mentoring, and tutoring students of underrepresented groups.

Samuel enjoys drawing, listening to jazz, and reading. He is a member of River Renaissance, a river city based spoken-word group infused with music. In 2015, Hawkins was named the first recipient of the West Kentucky Community and Technical College Diversity and Inclusion Award. He is also a juried member of the Kentucky Arts Council’s Teaching Artists Directory.

A special thank you to our media sponsor for CONNECT, WFPK Louisville.

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