Since 2012, Bernheim has been hard at work exploring ways to connect children to nature through play. Understanding that children build their earliest affinities for nature through play, Bernheim is committed to exploring strategies that will help the entire region understand and build better nature play environments. In 2014, our efforts drew national attention from the Alliance for Childhood when they asked Bernheim to contribute a chapter to a book titled Playing It Up with Loose Parts, Playpods, and Adventure Playgrounds (Joan Almon, Editor).
The book debuted earlier this month in New York. It’s now available on Amazon Books and through the Alliance for Childhood web site. The book features schools, parks, nature centers and adventure playgrounds throughout the U.S. and serves as a “how to” resource and inspiration for thinking differently about how we support play in our communities.

Bernheim continues to support community wide free-play, nature play, outdoor play environments, and all the many ways that support healthy child development through active play in nature through the Children at Play Network (CAPN). If you are interested in being kept in the loop on play opportunities through Bernheim please send an email to Claude Stephens, CAPN Director.