The Millennium Trail and Elm Lick Trail are closed for safety reasons. All other trails in the natural areas and Arboretum are open.

Member Camp-In: A Recap of All the Fun

By Charlotte Caldwell

Our first members-only Member Adventure, the Camp-In, was a huge success! This sold-out event of 100 campers joined Bernheim staff and volunteers for a night under the stars.

Campers of all ages painted repurposed promotional signs to create “Tent Tags” for their tents, displaying the names of happy campers residing in tents scattered under the pines of Zone 2 of Playcosystem. The Spirit Nest was the center of activity, where stories were told after dark by Derby City Midnight. Volunteer Naturalists hosted Discovery Stations where campers learned about bees, beavers, and other natural wonders. Volunteer Naturalists also hosted two guided hikes to two large groups, one at dusk and one after dark, visiting the Giants lit up with rainbow LED lights. Playcosystem was lit up for fun after-hours. There was a bonfire, s’mores, lightning bugs, Mile Wide beer, and lots of laughter from campers, both new and seasoned.

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Thank you to our members, volunteers, and staff for making this such a fun event!

We look forward to more Member Adventures, events where we invite Bernheim members only to partake in unique experiences at Bernheim. Please save the date for our next Member Adventure, Films in the Forest, on Friday, October 21.

Experiences like Member Adventures are just one of the many benefits of Bernheim membership. To learn more about what a membership means, click here.

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