Bernheim is closed on February 19.

Healthy Business and a Healthy Planet Go Hand in Hand

By Lindsay Duncan

Bernheim Forest is celebrating Earth Day in a giant way this year! Through our event on April 22 – Restore: Healthy Planet, Healthy You and Bernheim’s Spring appeal – Carpe Diem: Seize the Day for a Better Tomorrow – we are recognizing the important role we all play in caring for the planet.

Bernheim staff and nominees at Canopy's Good Business Summit
Bernheim staff and nominees at Canopy’s Good Business Summit

Care of our planet is not only powered by the people, but also by consistent good business practices that support corporate environmental stewardship and how crucial it is for the protection of the planet. Bernheim proudly partners with Canopy, an organization whose mission is to “grow Kentucky businesses to positively impact people, our planet, and our future.” Last Thursday, several Bernheim employees attended Canopy’s 3rd Annual Good Business Summit where Bernheim’s Executive Director, Dr. Mark Wourms had the honor of presenting the Environmental Impact Award and our Director of Visitor Experience, Renee Hutchison was a panelist in the Environmental Impact breakout session. Topics and conversation throughout the event focused on ways Kentucky companies can facilitate opportunities for their employees to give back and make an impact, further inspiring action and commitment for a healthier planet.

Bernheim corporate partners are doing their part to care for the people, the planet, and Bernheim. Several were nominated for Canopy’s GBS Awards for their commitment and dedication in the respective award areas, such as Delta Dental KY, GE AppliancesWestRock, and Erica Fields of Civitas.  However, beyond an award nomination, there are many other notable ways our corporate partners are walking the walk of Good Business.

  • MCM CPAs and Advisors will be donating office furniture to Bernheim due to their imminent office move. As Bernheim’s team continues to grow, we are grateful for the opportunity to give new life to MCM’s furniture. Cheers to upcycling and repurposing!
  • During National Volunteer Week (April 17-22), over 100 employees from KEEN Footwear and Amazon volunteered at Bernheim. They assisted our staff with projects including mulching Playcosystem and the Forest Giants, planting 70+ native trees in Guerrilla Hollow, and prepping the Edible Garden for the growing season. Corporate volunteerism is a growing trend in which businesses pay for time for their employees to engage in volunteer work that makes an impact in their community.
  • Amazon is planting a tree for every employee’s “pledge to the planet.”
  • Cornbread Hemp is donating 5% of their sales on Earth Day to Bernheim! Shop here.
  • From April 28 to May 28, 10% of sales at Columbia Employee Store will benefit Bernheim, up to a $25,000 donation. Since the store is invite-only, Bernheim members will receive an email with a digital pass to shop at the store. We will also be handing out passes at Restore. Shoppers must present the pass at checkout for Bernheim to receive the donation. Become a member today!
  • James B. Beam Distilling Co. is breaking ground this year on a dam removal project that will have a significant positive impact on local waterways, biodiversity and more. Do you know about the James B. Beam Natural Water Sanctuary Alliance? Learn more here.

When it comes to sustainability and caring for the planet and its people, we are all on the journey together. In support of the balance and interdependence of the planet and its people, we believe that conservation and stewardship must happen at the rate of economic development. While it may seem overwhelming to tackle such large issues, corporate Earth Day initiatives and every small change we make can have a significant impact over time. We all have a responsibility to protect the planet, and by working together and taking small steps, we make a difference.

Highlights from National Volunteer Week 2023

Volunteers from KEEN Footwear planted 70+ native trees in Guerilla Hollow, removed invasive species around Mac’s Lake, and helped prepare our Edible Garden for the growing season

Amazon volunteers mulched around Little Nis and Little Elina, cleaned the garden sheds in the Edible Garden, helped with routine maintenance in Playcosystem and made their Pledges to the Planet





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