By Bernheim
LITTLE ELINA: Today is a great day to explore Art. Let’s go outside today and look for art that might be in your neighborhood. Art comes in all sorts of different forms. Look for sculptures, paintings, murals, colorful things, sidewalk drawings, things made from nature and much more. At Bernheim, Artists in Residence have been creating art for 40 years. Once you finish looking for art in your neighborhood, be an Artist in Residence at your house and create something amazing!
LITTLE NIS: There is so much to explore in the forest, parks, and even our own neighborhoods! In fact, you don’t even need a trail in the woods to make new discoveries. Why not go on a walk in your neighborhood? Maybe walk a street you’ve never been down before. Do you see anything new? Look for interesting buildings, artwork, plants, and designs.
MAMA LOUMARI: There is so much to notice when you are outside. Whether you’re hiking a nature trail or walking on a sidewalk, looking for art or trying out a new trail, try using our I SPY TRAIL checklist to see how many discoveries you can make.
I SPY TRAIL list (you can also spy many of these in your back yard)
- Chewed leaf
- Shaggy bark
- Hole in a tree
- Rotting log
- Needle-like leaf
- Rock as big as you
- Nut or nutshell
- Forest sound
- Fungus
- Smooth bark
- Vine
- Animal evidence
- Crunchy leaf
- Lichen
- Water evidence
- Tree roots
- Moss
- Insect home
- Rough bark
- Tree with two trunks
- Tiny pebble
- Something made by humans
- Hole in the ground