By Olivia Belk
LITTLE NIS – As you go out on your walk today, try to think of things in nature that start with the letters in your name. If you want to have a bigger challenge, try to find those things as you walk! If you can’t think of things in nature, or you can’t find them, try to find the letters in your name on signs or in the branches of trees like we did a few weeks ago. Here’s what I found: Nest Iris Sunshine
MAMA LOUMARI – I love to read poems, especially when I’m sitting in the shade of a tree. Today, try to find some poems that you can read under a tree or in another special place outside. Here are some of my favorites:
Loveliest of Trees by A.E. Houseman
Trees Need Not Walk the Earth by David Rosenthal
When I am Among the Trees by Mary Oliver
Tree, Dear Tree by Jonathan George
LITTLE ELINA – Today we are going to become poets! An acrostic poem is a poem that uses the letters from a word as the first letter in each line. Choose something from nature, and write an acrostic poem about it. Here are some examples:
Always moving
Never stopping to rest
Tired? Not yet!
Green beard
Reaching out to tickle
As I walk in bare feet
Summer time