By Bernheim
LITTLE NIS: Animals roam the forests and fly above our heads, but there are many critters hiding in the dirt as well. On your hike today, spend some time gently rolling over logs and seeing who lurks beneath! What kinds of little creatures call these logs home? How did the logs get here in the first place? What do you think these animals eat? Be sure to roll the logs back after you look, and to be kind to any creatures you find! If you don’t find any logs while you’re walking, try to find other places that animals may live.
MAMA LOUMARI: One of the best things about Bernheim is all the creatures that call this place home. Our 16,000+ acres provide habitat to eagles, snails, bats, birds, and many other animals. While exploring today, try to find 10 different types of animals. How are these animals different? How are they the same? Where do you think they sleep at night? Do you think they live at Bernheim as well as in your neighborhood?
LITTLE ELINA: There are so many amazing animals in the world! Use your imagination to create a creature out of natural items. What does your animal eat, and how do they find their food? Where would your animal live? How would it defend itself?