Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Children at Play Network Plants Seeds for Urban Play

By Bernheim

Bernheim’s Children at Play Network(CAPN)is busy bringing the many benefits of outdoor free-play to audiences in urban communities. Through our Seeds for Urban Play project we hosted a play day that brought together many partners and loads of children on a beautiful fall morning. Hosted at the Food Literacy Project’s Iroquois Farms, children from New Directions Housing Corporation, ChooseWell Communities, the Iroquois Family Health Center and the Little Jewels and Gems preschool participated. Matt Spalding from the Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy joined us and summed it up this way:

“I was really struck by the collaborative nature of setting this event up. I also loved what a beautiful mess the loose parts became as the children played.”

Dr. Michelle Elisburg, a pediatrician at the nearby family health center, pointed to the benefits of free play.

“As a pediatrician I know how important it is for children’s development and resilience to have the opportunity for free play outdoors with loose parts and their own imaginations.”

The CAPN team is delighted to be engaged in this transformative work. Seeing the delight of the children is worth the effort.

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