What would happen if every child in our community had an amazing place to play outdoors in nature where they felt free, safe, healthy, empowered, and joyful? That’s the vision of the Children at Play Network (CAPN). That vision requires teamwork. That vision needs you. Together we can create a national model for how an entire community can pull together to value outdoor play for the health of all. We ask you to support that vision by becoming a member of the CAPN and putting your weight behind the work of making outdoor play a top community value. There are ways to join as an individual, a school, or an organization with benefits at each level. By joining, you support the organizing, networking, communications, and convening efforts required to advocate for youth enrichment. By advocating through a collective voice, we are mighty. Details regarding the CAPN membership can be found at childrenplaynetwork.com
Children at Play Network membership
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