Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Bri Marr Joins the Children at Play Network to Continue Playcosystem Accessibility Work

By Amy Joseph Landon

We are excited to have Bri Marr join Bernheim and the Children at Play Network from Spalding University Auerbach School of Occupational Therapy for their doctoral capstone project. Bri will be with us through mid-August 2023 as they conduct research about the impact of nature-based playground experiences on the development of play patterns and social skills in children. This is important research that will further the existing information on nature’s effect on growth and wellness through outdoor play. Bri hopes to use the knowledge gained to advocate for increased access to nature-based play opportunities for marginalized members of our community.

You will hear more about Bri and their research plans in the near future. One of their first projects will be to create a “social story” to help individuals with anxiety issues prepare for their first visit to Playcosystem. Social stories help all people, but especially children that experience anxiety related to new situations, more fully understand what they may experience and encounter prior to the actual experience. Knowing ahead of time what a visit to Playcosystem might include helps some children mentally and emotionally prepare for their visit. Stay tuned for more news when Bri’s social story is complete.

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