Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

2021 Artist in Residence Applications Now Open!

By Jenny Zeller

Bernheim offers total immersion with the natural environment by providing comfortable housing in a beautiful wooded setting.

Do you or someone you know have an interest in Bernheim’s Artist in Residence program?

The Artist in Residence Program promotes multi-disciplinary explorations of our relationship with the natural environment through artistic expression, expanding upon Bernheim’s long history of art in the landscape.  The Artist in Residence Program is available to all visual and mixed media artists in any medium. Bernheim is most interested in work that furthers expands the artist’s practice and the interplay between visual art and the natural world.

Bernheim will award up to four artists with one residency dedicated to a regional artist currently living in Kentucky or Clark and Floyd counties of Southern Indiana. Selected artists will create works within the forest and/or arboretum that are inspired by and potentially installed in the natural world.

Artist in Residence Application

Studio space is available right on Lake Nevin!

The residency provides the artist an opportunity to advance their skills and career while enhancing awareness of Bernheim’s goals and mission regionally, nationally and internationally. Recipients are required to live and create work at Bernheim for a minimum of six weeks to three months. Bernheim will provide comfortable housing in a beautiful wooded setting, access to studio space and an honorarium of $2500.  In exchange, artists will create a site-specific sculpture, artwork, temporary installation or project.  There is also some form of public engagement required such as a lecture, workshop, or participation in one of Bernheim’s annual events. Selected artists will be given access to Bernheim’s grounds and some limited support by operations, forest and horticulture staff, if required.

Applications for the 2021 residency will be accepted from now through midnight EST, January 18, 2021. All applicants will receive notification of the results by mid-March 2021.  For current information and application procedure please visit the Artist in Residence page on our website.  All questions can be directed via email to Jenny Zeller, Arts in Nature Curator.

Click here for a list of former Bernheim Artist in Residence participants.

Click here for an overview of the program and to view some frequently asked questions.


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