Ways of Giving
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DonateDonate in Someone’s Honor
Gifts to Bernheim support and further our mission of connecting people with nature. By making a tribute gift, you can also honor or memorialize a loved one while supporting Bernheim.
You can honor a friend or family member by making a donation in their name. Select the Tribute Gift option from the Select Fund pull-down menu. Add your honoree’s information in the Additional Information section before you check out.
Tribute Bench
Bench Description: Benches are 5 feet wide and constructed of a high quality, weather resistant teak wood. A customized brass label will be affixed and include acknowledgement of memorial recipient and/or donor. Each label can hold 150 characters.
Cost: $7,500
Availability: A limited number of benches will be approved per year; additional approved benches will be guaranteed and placed the following year.
Donation period: Bernheim staff will maintain the bench for a period of 10 years. At the end of the 10 year period, the original donor will have the opportunity to renew the donation at the current rate. If the original donor decides not to renew, the bench may be removed.
Site-Availability: Pre-determined locations have been reserved for bench placement.
Replacement: Stolen or damaged benches will be replaced or repaired as needed within the 10 years following installation.
Timeline: Applications received by January 1 will be included during the spring installation. Applications received by July 1 will be included during the fall installation.
ACRE Trees
ACRE Description: ACRE is a living art installation addressing Bernheim’s history through a planting of redbud trees that delineate an acre boundary, standing in memory of the forest that was previously devastated by industry at the rate of an acre a day. ACRE was conceptualized during the 2021 artist residency of Anne Peabody, a multi-disciplinary artist whose work focuses on the parallels between humans and the natural environment. Learn more about ACRE.
ACRE Trees: You can be part of Anne Peabody’s ACRE by sponsoring a native Cercis canadensis ‘Merlot’ redbud tree. You can sponsor a tree in memory or honor of a loved one. A 4×6″ black anodized aluminum sign customized to your wishes will be placed at the base of the tree (limited to up to 5 lines of up to 20 characters each).
Location: ACRE is located on the backside of Lake Nevin and is accessible via Lake Nevin Loop, a flat paved and gravel trail.
Cost: $2,500
Care and Maintenance: Bernheim staff will maintain your sponsored tree for a minimum of 7 years, including replacement if needed.
Timeline and Availability: A limited number of trees are available on a first come, first served basis.
Sponsor A Tree
To order a tribute bench, sponsor an ACRE tree, or for more information, please contact Melissa Raley, Director of Advancement via email or (502) 215-7137