Arts in Nature
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Colorful Living Installation
ACRE addresses Bernheim’s history through the planting of redbud trees that delineate an acre boundary in memory of the forest that was previously devastated by the Iron Ore industry. Founder Isaac W. Bernheim bought the (then) 12,000+ acre property at a significantly reduced price because the old-growth woods had been clear-cut “an acre a day” to fuel the iron and salt furnaces in the area.
You can be part of Anne Peabody’s ACRE by sponsoring a native Cercis canadensis ‘Merlot’ redbud tree! Sponsor a tree to honor a friend, mark a special anniversary, commemorate a beloved pet, acknowledge your company, or memorialize a loved one in this gorgeous living art piece!
ACRE by Anne Peabody
Artist Concept
ACRE was conceived during Anne Peabody’s 2021 artist residency at Bernheim after learning the history of our wild forest. The rest is history.
Anne’s Blog Post
A Teaching Tool
Inside the perimeter, a native prairie under plating adds changing seasonal texture and color and habitat for hundreds of animal and insect species.
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ACRE is a long-term commitment that will be at the peak of its colorful display in time for 2029, the 100th anniversary of Isaac Wolfe Bernheim’s visionary donation to the people of Kentucky.