Event Calendar


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Trail Discovery Hike: Cave Hollow

Meet at Sensory Garden 2075 Clermont Rd., Clermont, KY, United States

Join Volunteer Naturalist, Doug Wilson and Bernheim’s Research Coordinator, Kelly Vowels for a very rare opportunity to explore the area of Cave Hollow. This is a vital piece of habitat […]

Trail Discovery Hike: Wilson Creek Backcountry

Meet at Sensory Garden 2075 Clermont Rd., Clermont, KY, United States

Discover Bernheim’s Wilson Creek area with Volunteer Naturalists on a unique combination of hiking and van tour. Explore highlights such as the Bean House, the Wilson Creek restoration area, a […]

Trail Discovery Hike: Rice Orchard Ridge to Overall’s Creek

Sensory Garden 2075 Clermont Rd., Clermont, KY, United States

Embark on an exclusive adventure as you hike Rice Orchard Ridge down to Overall’s Creek, a trail only accessible with a guide. This moderate 4-mile out-and-back walk begins on Rice Orchard Ridge and extends 1.5 miles along a primitive trail before descending 200 feet downhill to the East Fork of Overall’s Creek. After enjoying the […]