Creatures of the Night: Froggy Night Adventure
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Creatures of the Night: Froggy Night Adventure
May 10 @ 8:15 pm - 10:45 pm
Spring is an opera, complete with throaty vocals, high-pitched vibratos, and an expert cast of creatures, each playing its part in this ancient drama. While each Creatures of the Night program focuses on specific creatures such as whip-poor-wills, frogs, or fireflies, plan to delight in the sights and sounds from many creatures as the wild and wondrous surround you.
Join Nocturnal Naturalist Bill Napper and fellow Naturalists for these exciting and unique nighttime adventures.
Bernheim Members $12; Non-members $15
Registration required by 4 p.m. the day prior to the program. No pets, please.
Register online or call (502) 215-7155 or to register.