Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

What to Know

Policies & Tips for Your Visit

Helpful Tips for Your Trip

As with any outdoor destination, always check the weather before planning your visit with us! Though we’re only 30 miles south of Louisville, Ky., weather in Shepherdsville is the best city to check on your preferred weather app. If it rains once you get here and puddle jumping has already been crossed off, take to the trails and tree cover, or pop inside the Visitor Center for shopping or a snack at Isaac’s Cafe.

Be Prepared

Warm weather welcomes the reemergence of bugs and wildlife, which are critical characters in our ecosystem. Be sure to embrace the unexpected as you embark on your journey, and expect to bring water, bug spray, and sunscreen or coverage to ensure a comfortable immersion in nature!

Traffic Pattern Change

To enhance our visitor experience, Ten Toms Circle is closed to vehicular traffic. Pedestrians and cyclists are welcomed. Watch for new developments in the Hollow area over the months to come!


Our policies are intended to protect both humans and nature for a harmonious experience and the convenience and safety of all visitors. To ensure your visit is a pleasant one, please observe the following:

  • As an ArbNet Level IV Arboretum, collecting from our Horticulture collections is prohibited
  • Drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles, including remote control aircraft, cannot be flown
  • Because of the potential safety hazard, grilling is strictly prohibited
  • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited
  • Swimming is for wildlife only
  • Possession of firearms is prohibited
  • Dogs must be leashed at all times. Owners are responsible for removing their pet’s waste.
  • Fishing is allowed in Lake Nevin only. Must have a Kentucky Fishing License.
  • Please park in designated areas
  • Bicycles are allowed on paved roads only
  • Smoking is prohibited. This includes the use of electronic cigarettes.

Looking to plan a photo shoot or consider Bernheim in your cinematic production? Fabulous! Check these guidelines first, and contact us to coordinate details.