Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

The Echo Society

In 1929, Isaac Wolfe Bernheim purchased over 12,500 acres of eroded and heavily logged land in Bullitt and Nelson Counties in Kentucky. Mr. Bernheim established the Isaac W. Bernheim Foundation to ensure the long-term protection and management of his living legacy.

Mr. Bernheim recognized nature as regenerative, and established Bernheim Forest as a gift for the people of Kentucky; a place where people of all races, creeds, and economic status can experience and connect with nature. Bernheim remains dedicated to those founding principles with a vision to be a nationally treasured leader in ecological stewardship that inspires the exploration of our deep connections with nature. Bernheim Forest and Arboretum now encompasses 16,140 acres.

You can follow in the footsteps of Mr. Bernheim by leaving a meaningful planned gift to benefit Bernheim for generations to come. By making a planned gift to Bernheim, you become part of The Echo Society, which comes with acknowledgement in our Forest Echo newsletter, invitations to special events, and recognition of your generosity on a display board in Bernheim’s Visitor Center – in addition to the satisfaction of knowing you are leaving the type of impact you desire to leave in this world.

It is important to consult an attorney with questions about estate and tax benefits associated with your unique plans. There are many other gift options an estate planner can help you explore, some of the easiest ways to leave the gift of a lifetime to Bernheim described below.

Echo Society Members:

Terrian C. Barnes
Regina Beckman
Cele and John Beckner
James Buren
Janet D. and Carl E. Busse
Janice Butters
Ann Price Davis
Marshall P. Eldred
Estate of Ernestine and Earl Schaaf
David S. Handmaker
Morgan Herndon
Henry V. Heuser
Kenny Karem
Gunther and Shirley Karger
Mary Kolbrook
Maurice J. Kunz
Charles E. Mayer
Joan McCombs
Austin Musselman
Aldis Norgello
Dan Olges
Carolyn A. Seiffertt
Kenneth Shepard
Karen Shore
Linda Smith
Brenda K. Stroud
David and Susan Vislisel
Donald C. Weir

Type of Gifts

Helpful information for Planned Giving


Isaac W. Bernheim Foundation


Bernheim Forest and Arboretum
2499 Clermont Road
HWY 245
Clermont, KY 40110


I bequeath to the Isaac W. Bernheim Foundation, a nonprofit organization, formed and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, with tax identification number 61-0444651, (written amount or percentage of estate) to be used for (unrestricted purposes or restricted for a particular program or area of the Arboretum and/or Forest).


Contact Melissa Raley, Director of Advancement via email or by calling (502) 215-7137.

Contact Us

If Bernheim is in your estate plans, please let us know. Bernheim would love to add you to our Echo Society and ensure we are able to fulfill any specific designations you wish to apply to your gift.

Contact Melissa Raley, Director of Advancement via email or by calling (502) 215-7137.

Complete The Echo Society Form and mail or email it to substantiate your commitment and officially become a member of The Echo Society.

Join the Echo Society