Bernheim is closed on February 19.

Join the 10,615 people who have signed the petition

You can help protect Bernheim

Help Protect Bernheim

Louisville Gas and Electric (LG&E) requested an easement from Bernheim for the proposed Bullitt County Natural Gas Pipeline. The tracts known as the Cedar Grove Wildlife Corridor are subject to a conservation easement and deed restrictions prohibiting destruction of forests, streams and springs, and prohibiting the transfer of property by Bernheim for non-conservation purposes or the granting of easements for non-conservation purposes including natural gas pipelines. Alternative routes exist that would not destroy conservation lands.

Sign the Petition to Protect the Cedar Grove Wildlife Corridor

Petition to demand an environmental impact study on the LG&E pipeline project.

By signing this petition, I’m calling on Governor Andy Beshear, Public Service Commission Chairman Kent Chandler, LG&E President John Crockett, and PPL Corporation CEO Vincent Sorgi to halt the proposed LG&E pipeline.

We believe this pipeline does not serve our communities. Stopping this pipeline would:

  • Ensure lower energy bills
  • Protect landowner rights
  • Preserve natural lands
  • Defend the legal protections of conservation easements and deed restrictions
  • Ensure opportunities in nature for future generations

We continue to voice concerns and defend our rights with the Public Service Commission, the KY Division of Water, the Army Corp of Engineers, and other agencies issuing permits or providing regulatory review. Despite the uphill challenges, we continue to push forward, ultimately hoping to improve land and water conservation regulation and to protect the rights of landowners during a time of rapidly increasing infrastructure and development projects.

Now is a critical time for us all to elevate our voices and help move towards sustainable, healthy, and resilient communities that allow for nature and humans to coexist! This LG&E pipeline is being proposed at the WRONG PLACE, at the WRONG TIME. The pipeline would pump hydrocarbons for at least the next 70 years, disregarding climate initiatives and a shift towards sustainable energy sources that support resilient future growth.

Your voice and support, of any amount, will help continue the fight against this proposed LG&E pipeline, and the defense of a healthy and vibrant Kentucky for now and future generations! Thank you for your support in this fight.

Petition to Protect the Cedar Grove Wildlife Corridor

Petition to demand an environmental impact study on the LG&E pipeline project.