Due to the heat index exceeding 90 degrees, the Millenium Trail and Elm Lick Trail will be closed til further notice.

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Search Results (457)

Big Birding Day

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Bird is the word! If birding is your thing, you won’t want…

Bernheim Book Club

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If you like connecting with nature through a literary lens, join us for these monthly online discussions. Each month will have a theme or a topic and include a fiction and a nonfiction option. Book Club Members are encouraged to share their thoughts, provide insights surrounding the text, ask relevant…

Bernheim Book Club

Post Type

If you like connecting with nature through a literary lens join us for these monthly online discussions. June’s theme is “Animals, Humans, and the Forest,” and the book is A Forest World by Felix Salten. Be sure to acquire a copy of the book before the monthly meeting so you can join in…

Mellow Summer Day Camp

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This exclusive, adult-only summer day camp is the first of its kind. Delight in a low-impact exploration of the natural environment, including nature strolls, sensory explorations, kayaking, nature-inspired art, journaling, and much more*. Bernheim members: $50;  Non-members: $60 Register online now or call (502) 215-7155 to register.

Adult Day Camp

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Enjoy a fun day in the forest for adults to explore together in nature. Bernheim members: $50  |  Non-members: $60 Register online now or call (502) 215-7155 to register.  …


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Bernheim promotes sustainable horticulture by designing spaces for restorative ecosystems to thrive and for regeneration to occur naturally.

Kid’s Camp for Grown-ups

Post Type

Experience all of the fun of kid’s camp at this special camp designed for grown-ups. You’ll enjoy arts and crafts, snacks, hikes, and much more! Bernheim members: $50  |  Non-members: $60 Register online now or call (502) 215-7155 to register.

Wildflower Stroll: Mid-Season Woodland Beauties

Post Type

A great way to learn about spring wildflowers is to watch their transition from bud to blossom over several weeks. Each stroll offers engaging stories that focus on wildflower adaptation, ecology, folklore, uses, and history. Don’t overlook these mid-season bloomers—they could easily become your new favorites! Bernheim members $10; Non–members…

Water Conservation

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Bernheim Forest's streams, wetlands, and lakes support wildlife & provide clean water. Learn more about our water conservation efforts.

Camp Bernheim – Expert Explorers (ages 9-12) | Week 7

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Children, ages 9 to 12, will enjoy a week of outdoor adventure and exploration at this fun day camp. Campers will participate in kayaking, creek walking, nature crafts, free play, outdoor investigations, and more. We’ll learn about the plants and animals that call Kentucky home while discovering everything Bernheim has…

The Bats of Bernheim

Post Type

Did you know that of the fourteen bat species found in Kentucky, Bernheim has confirmed thirteen of…

Creatures of the Night: Wonders of Whip-poor-wills

Post Type

Spring is an opera, complete with throaty vocals, high-pitched vibratos, and an expert cast of creatures, each playing its part in this ancient drama. While each Creatures of the Night program focuses on specific creatures such as whip-poor-wills, frogs, or fireflies, plan to delight in the sights and sounds of…