Bernheim is closed on February 19.

Will you be our hero?

By Cadell Walker

A forest like Bernheim depends on heroes like you! Our Big Forests Need Big Heroes campaign began June 5 and runs through July 21, just in time to celebrate World Nature Conservation Day on July 28.

We have a big goal to raise $50,000 to support the work we do here at Bernheim and beyond our forest borders, and we need your help!

Every year in Kentucky, we lose 50,000 acres to development. Bernheim is working to do its part to protect and connect important parcels of land, which create migration corridors that are critical to wildlife. As you may know, Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest is the largest privately held contiguous forest in the eastern United States dedicated to conservation and education. It is estimated that there are over 3 million trees throughout our 15,625 acres, all of which are protected from development. These trees are powerful lungs for our region and can clean over 780 million pounds of oxygen annually. In addition to the clean air from which we all benefit, a forest of Bernheim’s size allows for incredible biodiversity. In fact, more than 2,100 unique species live or take shelter at Bernheim. The health of our land, of the species that depend on it, and of future generations rests on what we do today.

We are a donor and member supported organization and we can’t do all we do without you! Be a hero for Bernheim so you and future generations can continue to enjoy, experience, and Connect with Nature.

Will you be a hero for Bernheim? We hope so! Give your gift today by clicking here!

Thank you for being a forest hero!

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