Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Sowing Seed

By Renee Hutchison

There are few things in life more exciting to a gardener than sowing seed. Each year we wait, rather impatiently, for the right time to start growing for the upcoming year’s garden. With the coming of Bernheim’s Edible Garden, the anticipation has been even more heightened. The day the seed packets come in the mail is a holiday, and the day you can begin sowing the seed is second only to the day that the seeds actually start to sprout.


With the large space that will open up for all things edible in our new addition, I can use all of the extra help I can get. Good thing Thursday mornings bring a group of dedicated volunteers to help tow the line. We are starting herbs and cool season veggies right now in the greenhouses for transplanting this spring. Stay tuned for germination progress and pics of baby veggies!


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