Virtual Discovery Stations: The Edible Garden

By volunteer

Explore Bernheim’s Edible Garden, located a short walk from the Visitor Center. This garden not only provides food for people, but also wildlife, especially pollinators. Isaac’s Café, when open, relies heavily on the produce from this garden for many of its salads, sides, and entrees.

Questions to Ponder at Bernheim: The Edible Garden is a great place to observe both the cultivated and the “wild” parts of the natural world. What “tame” elements are most prominent? Do you notice any wild creatures and features? Do you find plants in this garden that make you scratch your head and wonder? Can you discover something growing that reminds you of a favorite memory or recipe? Can you find the over-arching design of this garden? How does Bernheim’s Edible Garden help you connect with nature?

At Home Activities: If you don’t have a garden, consider planting one, even if it’s in containers. Many local nurseries have plenty of starter plants, especially for herbs, which grow well in containers.

Share favorite recipes, memories, and lessons learned from edible gardens or garden produce with your family and friends. Doing this is another way of planting seeds.

Click here to learn More about Bernheim’s Edible Garden.

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