The Millennium Trail and Elm Lick Trail are closed for safety reasons. All other trails in the natural areas and Arboretum are open.

The Sage: Wisdom from the Edible Garden: Asking for Help

By Bernheim

IMG_4045Last week’s cooler weather was a gift uniquely appreciated in the Edible Garden. As we creep closer to summer, priority lists grow faster than the weeds. The bird songs that so inspired me in late winter and the appreciation of the first flowers blooming have sadly been replaced by the immediacy of any number of tasks (I haven’t even had a chance to write a blog post in over a month!) From planting summer veggies, weeding, and cutting grass to planting herbs and flowers, there has been little room for anything other than time sensitive goals. This realization has helped me recognize that, whether tending the Edible Garden or my journey in life, it’s never a sign of weakness to ask for help.

For the past few weeks, the pace of work in the Edible Garden has greatly increased thanks to three incredibly hardworking interns. Joining us from Western Kentucky University are Rachel and Mary Anne, and Colleen, who is already one of Bernheim’s own Naturalists in Training. We have our work cut out for us, as we hope to not only surpass last year’s 1,300 pound harvest for Isaac’s Café but also to change some of the Garden’s layout, introduce new plants, and construct apothecary beds. We also plan to implement projects inspired by our interns’ skills and interests, which will continue to expand the biodiversity within the Garden.

Whether calling on friends, family, or hired help, we can all use support when feeling overwhelmed. While accepting help can be challenging, it can often shorten the path toward our vision. Working with others can also allow us to see new possibilities and embrace change, a necessity in. When faced with life’s challenges, reach out if you need help, and always lend a hand to those in need.

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