After many hours of research, collecting, and planting, I am very excited to announce that the terrarium has been completed! The education department has implemented the terrarium as a miniature ecosystem, with a collection of plants and insects that can be found within Bernheim. Plants that can be seen in the terrarium include Indian Cucumber Root, Blood Root, Wild Ginger, and Wood Betony. The terrarium also has a large population of rolly-polly bugs and my favorite, a female Hercules beetle! She enjoys eating compost, sitting on the tree limb inside the terrarium, and digging deep into the soil to hide from all the noise of the Education Center. I have not come up with a name for her yet, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (comment below or on via facebook or twitter)! Visitors can experience the terrarium in the Education Center every day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
As a summer intern, I unfortunately do not have an infinite amount of time here at Bernheim (editor’s note: we wish she did!). Due to the end of my internship approaching, I will not be a part of any further aquarium revitalization. However, I have heard some wonderful ideas as to what the education staff plan to do with it, and I cannot wait to see the completed project upon returning for a visit. Keep checking back in the education center to see the progress of the aquarium project!
-Amanda Ross, Education Intern