Tales from Bent Twig Trail: Intertwined

By Wren Smith


The natural world has always been a source of comfort and encouragement, a place to lose myself and find myself. Today, the Bent Twig Trail provided comfort and inspiration. Everywhere I looked I saw evidence of the dance of life and interconnections — the tread-like hyphae of mushrooms, the numerous vines intertwined on trees, the cycles of renewal amid the chaos of change and loss.  If you are troubled, and many of us are, consider a hike, or at least find a quiet place to still your heart. Look with your mind’s eye for the ancient wisdom and peace we often find there.


These woods know the truth

Each tree a testament to it.

Each leaf turned

towards the light–

when there is light.


each bouquet

of bare branches


between shared sky,

seldom clashing

as if they know

each others steps.


Watch the tips of trees,

their grace —

can be our own.

And the greenbrier is

itself -always,

even after

the deer have

eaten it all

and the dung beetles


and the fat grubs

burrowed into the dark

humus of the earth

Here the mushrooms

quietly keep the truth

each thread

a story-

each story– a chant

each chant

one word–


a million different ways.


Wren Smith

Want more tales from Bent Twig? Click here to view the archive.



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