If you are still looking for that Valentine’s Day gift, we have the perfect idea for you – a romantic candlelight dinner for two in the forest among the stars.
Bernheim’s beautiful glass Visitor Center is the perfect gateway into the enchantment of the woods at night. Your dinner includes cuisine impeccably presented by Jarfi’s Bistro along with appetizers, music and dancing. A cash bar will be available.
A weekend stay at the Bernheim Lodge and the Bernheim Lakehouse will be auctioned off both evenings. Bernheim Naturalist Don Spain will be there with his telescope for an upclose view of the moon, Jupiter and the stars!
Your choice of evenings are still available: Friday, February 14 or Saturday, February 15.
Dinner is from 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Enjoy the culinary delights of Chef Jeff Jarfi. The cost for members is $120 per couple and $150 per couple for non-members. Call to reserve your seats today — 502-955-8512 ext. 222.