Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Spring Sprang 3-20-14 at 12:57 pm

By Claude Stephens

It’s a beautiful first day of spring here at Bernheim and the chatter among staff, volunteers and visitors is focused on how ready we all for it to be here. And as evidence here’s a few photos. This first photo is of the first observed bloom on the Magnolia kobus var. ‘stellata’ at the Bernheim entrance. What a nice coincidence that the first bloom this year just happened to open on the first day of spring.

Magnolia kobus 'stellata' bloom 3-20-14
Magnolia kobus ‘stellata’ bloom 3-20-14

These next photos are of the American elm (Ulmus americana)on the banks of Holly Pond. The first picture is of the tree and the second is a closer look at the small purple flowers that open in early spring before the leaves develop. These apetalous flowers are wind pollinated. We photograph this tree on a regular basis over many years as part of our phenology research.
American elm b 3-20-14
American elm 3-20-14

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