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Spring has Sprung at Isaac’s Cafe

By Kathy Hart

Isaacs Special_March 20What has touches of green, new growth emerging from well established roots, tempting aroma, tasty offerings and is waiting for you at Bernheim’s Visitor Center?  No… it’s not the fresh mint growing in the barrels by the sidewalk, but that would have been a good guess, and it’s not the spring onions sprouting up in little clumps, scattered about like wild hairs as you walk towards the Visitor’s Center.  Give up?  It’s Isaac’s Café!  We have completed our expansion with the new growth of the kitchen and the smell of garlic and fresh herbs is wafting through the air along with a wide assortment of tempting taste.

 If you haven’t been to Isaac’s in a while, you are in for a treat.  We will still have many of your favorite menu items but will now be able to offer even more variety with daily and weekly specials that incorporate the abundance of the Edible Garden along with Kentucky Proud products and local meats and cheese.

 Nothing says spring time like Asparagus soup so come in and enjoy a bowl today.  We have chicken enchilada casserole with a southwest side salad for just $6.95 today. We will be trying out several specials this week as we ready our Spring Menu.  Stop by and see what’s cooking! 


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