Kelly Vowels is the Bernheim Forest Research Biologist. As a part of her research, she surveys and monitors the wildlife and plant species in the natural areas of Bernheim. One of the many species she monitors is False Hellebore, a native perennial. Her studies have shown that as parts of Bernheim are restored with native plants and the invasive plants are removed, False Hellebore populations have increased. By monitoring populations like False Hellebore, Bernheim is able to see how the native plant and animal populations are affected by disturbances such as extreme weather or burning. Research at Bernheim is an important part of our mission of connecting people with nature, and teaches us lessons in being leaders in ecological stewardship, a fundamental aspect of our vision statement. Kelly is an asset to our Natural Areas team and exemplifies putting the “research” in Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest.

Research Blog Series: False Hellebore Populations Increase
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