ReCONNECT offers opportunity for local artists to create outdoor installation

By Bernheim

Bernheim will offer leftover materials from Thomas Dambo’s “Forest Giants in a Giant Forest”

Bernheim is offering a unique opportunity for local artists to create an outdoor installation for the 11th annual Bernheim CONNECT, with the chance to use many of the same materials utilized by the Forest Giants in a Giant Forest artist Thomas Dambo.

ReCONNECT is a new initiative at Bernheim that calls for local artists to create outdoor installations with repurposed and recycled materials to be displayed during Bernheim’s CONNECT event on Saturday, August 24, 2019, from 6:23 to 10:23 p.m.

CONNECT is Bernheim’s annual summer celebration honoring the relationships of science, nature and creativity that starts two hours before the sun sets at 8:23 p.m. and continues for two hours after sunset. For this one evening every year, Bernheim’s Lake Nevin comes alive with spontaneous art, drum circles, light sculptures and musical performances from renowned artists along with hands-on art and science activities.

Inspired by the sustainable mission of Forest Giants creator Thomas Dambo, ReCONNECT challenges artists to turn materials otherwise slated for trash into treasure by presenting art made predominantly of recycled and found materials, encouraging viewers to reimagine the potential of everyday discarded products.

As an added creative challenge to the arts community, Bernheim is offering all leftover Forest Giants materials as building blocks for submission proposals. Materials range from bourbon barrel staves and heads, discarded Louisville Slugger bats, building materials of various dimensions, an abundance of natural materials and more. Participating artists will also receive free entry to CONNECT.

From now until Thursday, August 8th, artists are invited to Bernheim to view leftover Forest Giants materials, meet with Bernheim Visual Arts Coordinator Jenny Zeller to discuss proposal ideas and tour Lake Nevin, the site of the event.

Artists interested should contact Zeller at to make an appointment.

For more information and entry guidelines, please visit

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