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Rainy Day Ruminations: Isaac’s Café Specials, August 7-11

By Bernheim

There is nothing better on a rainy morning than getting into the kitchen and making some down-home comfort food, at least from my perspective.  The milder temperatures this morning had me thinking that a nice hearty stew was in order for Meatless Monday and given the forecast, perhaps the rest of the week as well.   Not everyone thinks like I do though.  Some want nothing more on a rainy morning than to curl up with a good book or grabbing a rain jacket and taking a leisurely stroll at Bernheim.

No matter where you find yourself this week or what the weather, stop by Bernheim and Isaac’s Café for a relaxing lunch of some much needed comfort food or just a quick bite before you hit the trail.   August in Kentucky will certainly keep you guessing when it comes to the weather but good food in a lovely location is always a sure thing at Bernheim.

This week’s special, Meatless Monday is a hearty mushroom and vegetable stew with garlic mashed potatoes.   We will feature a variety of stews for the rest of the week along with veggies from our Edible Garden.  See you at Isaac’s!

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