Bernheim is closed on Tuesday, February 11.

My Bernheim Story #1: Cele Beckner

By Jenny Zeller

This 1950s photo shows the popularity of the Bent Twig Loop Trail through the ages. Photo property of Bernheim.

And It Begins

My story began in the spring of 1962 with a field trip in the fourth grade.  The ranger took my class on the Bent Twig Trail (now so much easier to say Bent Twig Loop).  We visited the captive wildlife of various birds, a river otter and a bobcat.  All housed near the still standing silos.  Then we explored the Nature Center at the top of the hill (now the Education Center) with many different preserved species mounted throughout the gallery. Bernheim Forest was the place students to experience outside the city limits.

~Cele Beckner, Shepherdsville, KY

Click here to read part 2 of Cele’s story.

Click here to read part 3 of Cele’s story.

The Twin Silos Nature Museum was a popular destination for school groups. Photo property of Bernheim.




In honor of Bernheim’s 90th anniversary in 2019, we are making a conscious effort to collect stories and memories of Bernheim. In addition to your stories, both old and new, we are seeking any photographs, video footage and historical information you may have about Bernheim from the past 90 years. Please let us know if you or someone you know has a great Bernheim story to share by contacting us at

Please note: Any information provided to grants Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest the permission to reuse this information in print and/or digital formats, as well as other public display for the promotion of its 90thanniversary in 2019 and beyond, to further the efforts of our mission in connecting people with nature.


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