Bernheim is closed on February 19.

It’s Earth Day every day at Isaac’s Café

By Kathy Hart

It’s undeniable: what we eat matters when it comes to the health of our planet.  We have long discussed diet and the effects on our own health but only recently has the conversation shifted to the connection between what we eat and environmental sustainability.

At Isaac’s Café, we have come to recognize a few key areas where we can make a difference and so can you.

  1. Meatless Monday:  By reducing our meat intake by just one meal a week, we can make a real difference.  You can either stop by Isaac’s Cafe to take advantage of our meatless Monday special or make a switch at home.  It could be as simple has having a pasta with a hearty vegetable rich marinara instead of a meat sauce.
  2. Buy local:   At Isaac’s Café, we pride ourselves in using the bounty of our Edible Garden to create delicious soups, salads and specials.  You may not have a garden just 200 steps away but you can make use of your local farmer’s market, food co-ops or just shopping for seasonal produce at your local market that promotes local farmers.
  3. Say “no thank you” to plastics:  You may have noticed that we no longer offer plastic straws at Isaac’s Café, nor do we sell plastic water bottles.  Each of us can make conscious choices, like carrying our own refillable water bottle, reusable shopping bags or even reusable stainless steel or bamboo straws.

Little changes can make a GIANT difference.  Making an effort to be more mindful in our choices, is the first step to making every day Earth Day.

Stop by Isaac’s Café for Meatless Monday.  We have jackfruit BBQ and chips with your choice spinach salad or potato casserole.  We also have our new Summer Menu where you’ll find the return of some old favorites as well as the introduction of “The Giant”.

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