Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Grocery Shop in Support of Bernheim

By Cadell Walker

Environmentally Friendly Jute Bag

Bernheim is excited to announce two new ways of giving. The best part is that you don’t have to do anything extra to have an impact. If you go grocery shopping, you can support Bernheim’s mission of connecting people with nature.

The first way is to connect your Kroger Plus Card to their Community Rewards program. Through this program, a small percentage of your grocery bill will be donated to Bernheim. All you have to do is enroll in the program, then scan your plus card at check out. Here’s how to enroll:

  • Visit Kroger’s Community Rewards website
  • Login, or register your account (you will just need you Kroger Plus card number)
  • Click on Enroll Now
  • Search for Bernheim, either by name or by number – ours is 50061
  • Select Bernheim and click Enroll
  • Scan your card at checkout
  • Your connection to Bernheim will need to be renewed each August. Don’t worry – we’ll remind you

The second way is to shop at Lucky’s Market in Louisville. Thanks to all who voted, Bernheim was one of the top three vote-getters in a Facebook campaign to be a part of their Bags for Good program. All you have to do is bring your reusable bags to Lucky’s. When you check out, you can choose Bernheim to receive your $0.10 bag refund.

All of these little ways of giving can add up to a big difference at Bernheim. Thank you for your support; now get out there and start shopping!

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