The Millennium Trail and Elm Lick Trail are closed for safety reasons. All other trails in the natural areas and Arboretum are open.

Follow the footsteps of Bernheim’s wildlife

By Amy Joseph Landon

New day-long program teaches fundamentals of animal and bird tracking

In celebration of our 90th anniversary, Bernheim invites guests to learn one of the oldest and most fascinating skills known to humans – wildlife tracking. A new all-day program, Introduction to Wildlife Tracking, takes place on Saturday, March 2 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Every time we step outside of our door, there are myriad stories to be told of the comings and goings of animals, and one of the oldest human practices is to read and interpret these stories. The art and science of tracking offers a holistic look into the living world around us.

Expert tracker and educator Marcus Reynerson will lead the program. Originally from Louisville, Reynerson is the lead instructor for an internationally renowned environmental leadership immersion program for adults at the Wilderness Awareness School in Duvall, WA.

Workshop participants will learn:

  • Basic wildlife foot physiology and morphology
  • Clear print identification
  • Concepts in behavior and wildlife sign interpretation
  • How wildlife interacts with landscape
  • The art of inquiry and questioning, and engaging curiosity

Participants will put the skills into practice examining the tracks and trails of the animals at Bernheim. The workshop will also prepare participants for the more intensive Wildlife Tracking Certification being offered in October 2019.

Introduction to Wildlife Tracking is intended for ages 18 and up, and pets are not allowed. Be prepared to get muddy, walk up and down steep slopes, and go off trail. The program will include a break for lunch. Participants can pack a lunch or enjoy a fresh, local, and delicious meal from Isaac’s Café.

The cost for Bernheim members is $55 and the cost for the non-members is $65. Registration and payment are due by 4 p.m. on February 28. Space is limited. Call (502) 955-8512 to register.

This unique program is part of the yearlong celebration of the 90th anniversary of Bernheim’s founding. Bourbon maker Isaac Wolfe Bernheim purchased the original 13,300 acres in 1929 and created the Isaac W. Bernheim Foundation to protect the land. Bernheim Forest is now measured at more than 16,000 acres, and Mr. Bernheim’s visionary act remains perhaps the single largest private gift to conservation and environmental education in the history of Kentucky. Other related anniversary experiences include the 90th Anniversary Forest Tours next month, #MyBernheimStory, and the Forest Giants who can soon be found peeking out from behind the trees at Bernheim (coming soon!). See the full calendar at

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