Wanna Play? Then join us for one of these two opportunities:
Led by Pop-Up Adventure Play and hosted by the Bernheim Children at Play Initiative
POP-UP ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND DAY – Russell Lee Park – Louisville
Wednesday, February 26th from 1:00-5:00 p.m.
For families and children of all ages. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Free. In the playground adjacent to Southwick Community Center at 34th Street and Southern Ave.
Dress for the outdoors. If weather demands it, we will move inside Southwick Community Center.
(Scroll down for more information about Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds)

POP-UP ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND DAY Bernheim Children’s Play Garden
Thursday, February 27th from 1:00-4:00 p.m.
For families and children of all ages. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Free. In the Children’s Play Garden. Signs will direct you to the event from the entrance.
Dress for outdoor play. If weather demands we will move inside the Education Center.
More Information: Contact Claude Stephens at cstephens@bernheim.org
Who is Pop-Up Adventure Play?
This non-profit group out of England is dedicated to creating opportunities for children to explore open-ended, hands-on, self-directed play throughout their lives and landscapes. At their free public events children of all ages explore, transform, create, and share ideas about the value of free play in the development of children. Their events help you redefine play. Their web site will tell you much more.
They are on a road trip through the U.S. and Louisville is one of the more than 20 cities on their tour.
Tell me more about free-play and self-directed play.
Free-play is what all play used to be before so much of our lives became scheduled and directed. Essentially, free-play is where children define what they want to do and how they want to do it. Play workers, adults that help guide the process and keep everyone safe, are on hand to encourage children into safely exploring lots of interesting materials or loose parts that are brought into the play environment for the children to use and explore.
Why is this important?
Because research shows that free-play helps children develop in different ways than through directed play. Through free-play children become creative problem solvers. Free-play is critical to the healthy development of children but it is increasingly absent from most play environments.
How can I learn more about all of this?
Good question. Start by going to the Pop-Up Adventure Blog by clicking here and then looking for the blog link at the bottom of the page.
AND…Join us for the Pop-Up Adventure Play Workshop at the West End School on Wednesday, February 26th from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Details and registration information HERE.