Bernheim is closed on Tuesday, February 11.

Exciting Changes in the Works: Isaac’s Café Specials, February 20-24

By Kathy Hart

2-21-17 SpecialIt looks like spring is bustin’ out all over.  I love seeing the newly budded trees around the Visitor Center and the daffodils that were tucked so lovingly in the ground during our fall planting are dancing about just behind the dining area of Isaac’s Café.   The last few mornings as I walked from the parking lot into the Visitor Center, I was greeted by the beginnings of the dawn chorus. Not all the members of the choir have shown up yet, but I know they are on their way.  Spring peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) are chirping away every evening and the bees are finding their way to the tiny purple flowers on the Red, Dead Nettle (Lamium Purpureum).  Exciting changes are happening all around us.

Speaking of exciting changes, you may have noticed the green signs around the Visitor Center, “Please excuse our mess, exciting changes in the works!”  Just like in the natural world, there is a whirl of activity just before great transformations take place.  There is a buzz of activity just outside Isaac’s Café as construction has begun to expand the kitchen prep area.   It has been wonderful over the last couple of years to see Isaac’s Café become a place where our visitors can get not only a delicious, affordable meal, but also learn the importance of using local, sustainable and healthy ingredients. The excitement has resulted in the need for this expansion. The process of growth is sometimes difficult but the payoff is well worth the effort.  Please excuse the mess and be patient during this transformation.  We will be open our regular hours all this week, but stay tuned – there may be some interruption to Isaac’s Café’s regular hours in the coming weeks. We will keep you posted via our website and social media (@bernheimforest).

Our $6.95 special this week:  Smokehouse bacon and cheddar pimento cheese on Breadworks sourdough bread with chips and your choice of tea or lemonade.

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