Each year at this time, talk turns to the signs of spring. Mostly our chatter is tinged with impatience, and rightly so. We are tired of winter and ready for the weather to turn to warmer thoughts and longer days. But let’s put things into a bit of historical perspective; short term historical perspective. Below are three photos. The first is from March 26, 2012; an early spring. The second is of March 26, 2013; a later spring. I know we are all ready to hang up our mittens but last year we had a snow on March 26th. We will make sure to capture this same shot again this year on March 26th. What is your guess for what this will look like on that date? The third photo is of the first bloom on the flowering magnolias at the Bernheim entrance last year. It was taken on March 12th. There are no signs of a March 12th blossom on those trees this year.