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Delicious Traditions: Isaac's Café Specials, December 19-23, 2016

By Bernheim

12-19-16-special-root-soupAll someone has to do is say the words, “black walnuts,” and I am instantly transported to my childhood kitchen. I see myself sitting at the table with my dad, shelling these earthy, stubborn, flavor capsules that my mother would transform into the most delectable of holiday treats, like black walnut divinity or her special fruitcake that was known far and wide.  My fingers would be stained for days, and I wore them like a prize ribbon as proof of my contribution to the tradition.

Perhaps you have a taste memory tradition this time of year that takes you strolling back in time.  Traditions, especially those associated with food, have a way of rooting us to those special memories in a way that connect us to the past and keeps us looking to the future to find ways to rekindle that magic.  Whether it’s holiday baking with your grandmother, making your great aunt’s favorite latke recipe or just enjoying a few treats as you take a hike to celebrate the shortest day of the year, finding ways to keep traditions alive and well is all part of this magical time of year.

Stop in at Isaac’s Café this week and perhaps start a new tradition.  This week’s $6.95 special:  A cup of our famous Root Soup, ½ sandwich of your choice and a special treat for dessert (cupcake, cookie or bear hug).

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