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Celebrating the Chinese New Year: Isaac's Café Specials, January 30-February 3

By Bernheim

1-30-17 Chick Salad CroissantMost of us think of the New Year starting on January 1st.  We celebrate with fireworks, special foods to bring good luck, and resolutions.  By now, many of those resolutions may have fizzled out.  You may have noticed the gym is not as crowded and forbidden foods have found their way back into your pantry and unfortunately, back on to your waistline.  I have good news; the Chinese, or Luna, New Year is your chance to celebrate the year of the Rooster with a renewed commitment.

Those born under the sign of the Roosters are usually healthy people and active in nature.  Whether you were born under this sign or not, getting out into nature is the perfect way to start off the Luna New Year.  You can also get back to those healthy resolutions by having lunch at Isaac’s Café where we are serving up local, healthy and sustainable food, seven days a week.  Much of what we serve is still being harvested from the Edible Garden.

This week’s $6.95 special:   In honor of the Chinese New Year, we have Chinese chicken salad sandwich with a side of Asian slaw from the Edible Garden.  We’ll give you something to crow about!

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