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Black Bear Caught on Camera at Bernheim. Help Us Name Him!

By Andrew Berry

Look who’s back! Our friend, the black bear, is still wandering the area, and this time we have gotten pictures from within Bernheim from 2 locations.

He looks healthy, and the scar on his nose will allow us to identify him, telling us if this is the same bear that has been seen in other locations over past few months. It has been over 2  months since the first bear sighting on July 17th,  where he was first sighted in arboretum. Now he has moved into our natural areas.   This wonderful surprise demonstrates the high quality habitat we protect at Bernheim, providing food, water and large forest blocks that makes a good home for wildlife.

Bernheim’s size (14,500 acres or 23 square miles) enables us to support a small population of bear in the future, which we would welcome.  For now, we are thrilled that our habitat quality is high enough to host this bear for now, as he is likely to move back to the eastern foothills for the winter.

Though he’s been spotted in our forested area, a bit away from the visited areas of Bernheim, he could still make his way to the Arboretum. While you’re out enjoying the fall color at Bernheim, be sure to keep your eye out for this handsome fellow, but please remember to be aware and be safe. If you do spot him, keep your distance, keep your dog on a leash at all times, and do not feed him.  If  he approaches, which is not likely, act BIG, yell, and throw sticks: he is likely to turn and run.

Because he’s a part of the Bernheim family now, we want to give him a name – with your help, of course. Vote today through October 12. The winning name will be announced as a part of our ColorFest celebration. Place your vote below.

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