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We Are All a Part of the Big Picture: Isaac's Café Specials, November 14-18

By Kathy Hart

11-14-16-special-chili-grilled-cheeseLike many of you, I wonder if anything I do has an impact on the “big picture”.  While pondering such questions this past week, I remembered something that my biology teacher, Mr. Carr, said about his doctoral paper and drawings he had to do of spiders.  He told us that he could not draw a realistic spider but he could make dots that became the bigger picture of what appeared to be very life like spiders.  Perhaps you’ve seen paintings by artist, Georges Seurat, who originated the Pointillist method of painting, using small dot-like strokes of color.  We may not have to be the big picture, we just need to be the right dot in the right place.
I was at the Bullitt County Chamber of Commerce luncheon this week and the theme was “Buy Local”.  We discussed the importance of working together as a community to support local businesses, farmers and hard working entrepreneurs, to strengthen our community.  When we spend our time, money and talents in our own back yard, we help to make that bigger picture a true work of art.
As you head into the coming months, I challenge you to not only buy local, eat local and play locally but to be the right dot in the right place with a kind word, an encouraging smile, a helping hand for that neighbor, or stranger that needs it more than you know. I’m a firm believer that by doing what you can, where you can, when you can, the big picture looks much brighter for all.
Speaking of eating local, Isaac’s Café uses the produce from our own Edible Garden to create one of a kind favorites.  Stop by today to see what’s cooking!
This week’s special is Chili!  We will be making a different chili each day to be a warm dot in your day.  Pair it with a grilled cheese and a glass of fresh brewed tea or lemonade and you have the makings of a masterpiece!

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