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Bernheim Welcomes Jenny Zeller as Visual Arts Coordinator

By Amy Joseph Landon

Bernheim is pleased to announce that Jenny Zeller has been hired as the Visual Arts Coordinator. Jenny is a Louisville native and graduated with an Arts Administration degree from University of Kentucky in 1995. Her career has included serving as director of two prominent art galleries in Key West, FL. She is also a talented photographer who has received a number of prestigious awards while also participating in several arts residency programs, including Bernheim’s Regional Artist in Residence program in the spring of 2017.

Jenny Zeller, Back with Butterfly Wings 26” x 31”
Digital Image Transfers and Oil Paint on Custom Made Aluminum Substrate, 

A special thanks to outgoing Visual Arts Coordinator, Martha Slaughter, who served in the position since 2011 and has built the program’s depth and reach through the Artist in Residency Program, special exhibitions, including a 35 year Bernheim Artist in Residence retrospective in 2016, and through the Images of Bernheim program which has placed over 450 large format landscape photographs of Bernheim in health care facilities throughout the region. Martha will continue her support and engagement with the organization through a number of ongoing projects at Bernheim.

Bernheim’s Arts in Nature programs promote multi-disciplinary explorations of our relationship with the natural environment through artistic expression, expanding upon Bernheim’s long history of art in the landscape. The program enhances the visitor experience by interaction with contemporary art through the Artists in Residence Program, various temporary and permanent sculpture projects, and during recurring events such as CONNECT at Bernheim and SONICBernheim.

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