Forest Hill Drive and Guerilla Hollow are closed until further notice.

Bernheim Under Threat Update: January 15, 2020

By Bernheim

As we head into the new year, we continue our fight against a proposed natural gas pipeline that would cut through the Cedar Grove Wildlife Corridor – a newly acquired section of Bernheim north of our main entrance.

In July 2019, LG&E filed suit to sue Bernheim for condemnation of that land using eminent domain. If LG&E wins this case and successfully seizes our land, countless species of plants and animals, clean air and water, and conservation land would be gravely affected. As a conservation organization, we continue to fight to protect this piece of land in order to keep Bernheim, one of the largest privately-held forest blocks east of the Mississippi, intact now and for future generations.

Currently, the case is ongoing within Bullitt County Circuit Court. Thanks to a generous $50,000 challenge match from Gill and Augusta Holland, and all of the support from our donors, who we have met this match, bringing our Land Protection and Stewardship fund to $130,000 since this fight began. This money helps pay our legal fees, increase community outreach around the region, and ensure that Bernheim’s land is protected in perpetuity.

Bernheim continues to fight this issue because it’s bigger than us and our land. If LG&E is allowed to break the conservation easement and deed restrictions that were placed on this land, conservation easements and protected land throughout the state and beyond would be at risk. We want to ensure that conservation land, natural beauty, clean air and water, and forests everywhere are protected for generations to come.


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